Hot Diggity Dogs!
The best invention ever! The All American Meal. All toasted together? Why didn't somebody think of this idea years ago? Apparently, they did. Brilliant and delicious! $18.59

Throw Throw Burrito
Nothing Says Family Fun Night like chucking Mexican food at each other. If you love a good old game of dodge food mixed with card swapping, this game is for you! $24.99

Suture Practice Kit
Trust us. When the Apocolypse hits the fan, you'll be glad you learned how to forcep, compress and stitch up 14 of the worst wounds in the field. Your mommy will be so proud of you. $35.95

It's National Candy Corn Day!
10.30.2020–Posted by A. Betterman in | Misc.
Any Town, USA. It is time to celebrate America. It is time to lay down our political differences and grab a bag of the triumphant triangles of tri-color goodness. What goes better with peanuts? Well, chocolate, of course...But, besides that? Don't answer that, Boston. We know your half-baked answer. Hooray for Candy Corn! Do you know where it originated? Neither do we. Why? It just doesn't matter. Say it with us. It just doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter! Because at the end of the day, you can still make yellow vampire teeth and laugh the night away with the biggest sugar-rush headache of your life. Candy Corn. Corn Chips. Chips Ahoy. Ahoy Mates. Covfefe. It all makes sense now. Candy Corn is the answer. (Editors Note: Skippy, the newly acquired writing intern, was found surrounded by empty bags of candy corn in a pool of his own sugary sick this morning after finishing this entry. He will be taking a few days off.)
About A Better Post
A Better Post is a creative outburst of A. Betterman Creative. All names, both real and made up, are used for humor and parody purposes only. All stories, facts, and data shared herein are not to be taken literally. Who has time to find real info anymore? That takes work. It's all for funsies. Enjoy responsibly. Share extravagantly.